
Original Learning Content created by the RIC多元化,公平办公室 and 包容


Women's Fund of RI with Kelly Nevins, Chief Executive Officer


Interviews with Anthony Mam from College Crusade and Ducha Hang from RIC

对博士的采访. 朱迪思·林恩·斯蒂尔曼,RIC驻场艺术家

"Women's History Month is a celebration of women's contributions to history, 文化, 和社会, and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987."



This panel features guests who share about their experiences and intersecting identities as persons with marginalized racial identities and as students, 专业人士, 以及医疗保健行业的领导者. 


  • RIC的多元文化学生护士组织(MSNO)
  • RIC护理学院的多样性和包容性工作组 
  • RIC's 专业进修及继续教育 (PSCE) 
  • 联合劝募协会
  • 关怀新英格兰国际扶轮



纪念印第安人传统月(11月11日. '21)

参考: Narragansett · Indigenous New England Digital Collections (dawnlandvoices.org)

The Narragansett Indian Tribe has inhabited what is now the state of Rhode Island for over 30,000年. Federally recognized in 1983, the tribe is now headquartered in Charlestown.

除了许多历史事迹和信件, Narragansett people produced what is probably the first tribal magazine in New England, 纳拉甘西特黎明号, 从1935 - 36. 今天, Narragansett writers include the award-winning journalist John Christian Hopkins, also an inventive novelist; the poet Ella (Brown) Sekatau; and storyteller/author Paulla Dove Jennings.
